Correct way to setup maintenance page in nginx

On Thursday 03 November 2011 22:30:00 Quintin Par wrote:
> This method outside of `location` directive
>  error_page 503 /var/www/during_build.html;
>  ## System Maintenance (Service Unavailable)
>  if (-f  /var/www/during_build.html) {
>      return 503;
>  }
> Is also not working. Nginx just returns 503 without the custom page.
> What is the correct way to show system down pages?

Try this one:

error_page 503 /during_build.html; location / { if (-f /var/www/during_build.html) { return 503; } } location = /during_build.html { root /var/www/; internal; }
wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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